Hello Winter…

Wintertime for many U.S. states  involves snow and ice. Our town of Ramona has seen snow, but it is not a constant. Winter officially begins in December and I always wonder what kind of a winter will visit us this year.  Will it be cold and windy, wet and breezy, or dry and sunny? I spent time in Sequoia National Park during the Thanksgiving break and went hiking. I had to wear spikes on my shoes because I didn’t want to slip on the ice. As I trekked through the forest trails, I watched kids go sledding and make snowmen. Every now and then, I would hear the sounds of winter birds scurrying to gather some seeds from the forest floor. Occasionally, I would stop and listen to the quiet of the snowy Sequoia trees… What kind of winter  would I wish for? Hmmm, I wonder….

If you had one wish, what kind of a winter would you wish for?

Being Thankful…


We are all thankful for something. I am thankful that I teach such a sweet group of children that love learning and enjoy each other. I am also thankful that we live in such a beautiful little town, where the sunsets are glorious at the end of each day.

Tell us what you are thankful for…

Turkey Day Celebration

Mrs. Baima lead us in a Thanksgiving Turkey craft. Look at how different each turkey came out! Later in the day, we watched a Thanksgiving movie and Mrs. Franz served us pie and whipped cream, yum!

How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving? What is your favorite Thanksgiving Day food?


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Our fifth and sixth graders performed Mulan this month! Look at the pretty set the 5/6 grade students created! The actors were awesome and sang loudly and beautifully! Thank you Mrs. Worthen, Mrs. Lorenz, and students for a super performance.

Can you summarize the story of Mulan?  Do you think the story would change if it were written today?

Icy Moon

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We are observing our moon and the various phases it goes through during its rotation around planet Earth. These particular shots show the moon as a waxing gibbous.  You can also see icy clouds encircling our view of the moon in the night sky.

Can you name all of the phases the moon goes through in a month’s time?

Happy Birthday Mrs. Baima!


Happy Birthday Mrs. Baima! Mrs. Baima is our classroom aide and helps us learn to read and write. She was so excited when we presented her with a surprise birthday present and card. The little monkey she is holding sings “Happy Birthday to you…!” 

Tell us what you did for your last birthday!

The Mobile Dairy Classroom, So MOOOOving!

This week we were also visited by the Mobile Dairy Classroom! Mamma dairy cow was unfazed by our presence… We were all quite excited to meet her, as you can tell by our little Future Farmer above!

What did you learn from this presentation?


The Tree Circus Visits Us!

The Tree Circus came to town and visited us! Wow, Timmy Womick brought fun, enthusiasm, and energy to tree education! Timmy taught us about the parts of a tree and their functions, why trees are important to us, and how to take care of trees and the environment. Timmy Womick’s presentation was thoroughly enjoyable and as you can see, interactive! What was your favorite part of the assembly?

Welcome to Our Library

Every Friday morning Mrs. Zamora, our school librarian, welcomes us to the library to hear a story and choose a book to read for the week.  We all enjoy Mrs. Zamora’s story time. She also helps us find books at our reading levels, educates us on library procedures, and teaches us how to find books online. You can tell right away that Mrs. Zamora loves books and being our librarian. We love her too!

Do you remember what the word genre means? What is your all time favorite book and why?

Fictional Character Day

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Look at us! Oh my goodness, so creative with all the costumes! What a fun time as our school celebrated fictional characters by dressing up as our favorite book character.  Not only did the students participate, but the entire office staff! Can you guess which fictional character they were?