Baking Pie

What a great day! Mrs. Winters spent the morning teaching us how to bake an apple pie from scratch! Yum!


The last couple of weeks, we have paid attention to the various graphs in our reading. We know that graphs are a visual representation of numbers or data. It is easy to look at a bar graph and compare data, or study a line graph to measure change over time. Today we discovered that we can graph art by connecting ordered pairs on a grid.

Good work, guys!

Meet Mr. Majo

Meet Mr. Majo, RCMS’ new computer lab technician. We are so fortunate to have someone who can teach us about technology! During our first visit to the lab, we learned about the rules of the computer lab, how to take care of the computers, how to raise and lower our chairs, and how to loggon to our learning sites.  Thank you, Mr. Majo for helping us become better at technology.

The Weird World of Cats

Have you ever thought about a cat’s life? They always seem so relaxed and not bothered by anything! Cats can sleep anywhere, at anytime and get up only when they want to! Cats make up their own rules and live life with ease. We can learn a lot about life watching and observing our purrrrr-fect little furry friends! Meow!

Welcome Fall!

How Glorious is the Fall

How glorious is the fall!

Crisp and cold,

Gentle winds,

Birds chirping their good-byes.

How glorious is the fall!

Colorful leaves,

Red, yellow, orange,

the winter saying “hi…”

A Train is Coming!

 A train is coming down the tracks carrying passengers back home and bringing visitors to San Diego.  Toot toot…

Have you ever traveled by train?