What a great assembly we had! Here is Ned reminding us to Never Give Up, Encourage Others and to Do Your Best! It doesn’t get better than this kids!


I received this gift of a cactus at the end of the last school year.  This is my favorite cactus and it is growing and growing! I think they are very interesting plants. Cacti (plural) are desert plants that live without water for long periods of time. When it does rain, cacti have fibrous roots to catch rain water from the earth’s surface. The spines of a cactus are its leaves and help to protect it from predators. Soon, I will have to replant this little guy in a bigger pot! :>)

Kinder Buddies

Reading books is really important to us! We share our enthusiasm for reading with our Kinder Buddies every Friday. We love choosing a book from our school library and sitting in the shade reading to our friends in kindergarten.

Sweet memories….

Playground Super Powers

“Can you do this, Mrs. Franz?”

“Ah, no…”